
Author: Andrew Dodson

Sermon Series

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Written by Sean Post. Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; …

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Sermon Series

Trustworthy Truth

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, …

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Prayer as a Discipline, Prayer as Delight

Written by Sarah Goodrich. Above photo by Ben White on Unsplash I hadn’t been gone from my parents’ home in …

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Sermon Series

The Oughtness of Prayer

And He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. Luke …

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A Mother’s Broken Path to Joy

This year I get to celebrate my first Mother’s Day as a mother. This year a delightful little girl named …

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Pastor's Blog

Why Do We Bother to Pray for Unbelievers?

Why bother praying for unbelievers if God has already chosen who will be saved and who will not?

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Pastor's Blog

Do We Believe in Limited Atonement?

The idea of “limited atonement” under the doctrine of election is an open-handed issue at The Point. There are doctrinal issues that are not open for debate or personal interpretation (closed-handed). Examples would be the deity of Jesus, the Bible as the perfect Word of God, and salvation being through faith alone in Jesus and His work. Open-handed issues are those theological concepts that are open for debate. Examples would be the age of the earth or the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of election and this sub-part, called by some “limited atonement,” is in that open-hand category.

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Pastor's Blog

Spurgeon on Predestination and Man’s Free Will

Here are a some thoughts from C.H. Spurgeon, brilliant theologian, pastor and preacher, on the tension we must hold between God’s sovereign work of predestination and man’s free will. These are from a sermon preached in 1858.

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Latest News

Download: Family “Welcome to All” Artwork

We’ve had several families express interest in downloading and printing the new “Welcome to All” artwork that has been put up at the Frankfort church. As such, we created a special version with appropriate wording for families and homes.

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