I’m New
Join Us on Sundays at 10:30am
What to Expect
Every Sunday morning, The Point Community Church gathers for worship. The New Testament teaches that the Church is a group of people, not a building or a weekly event. This local expression of the Church, called The Point Community Church, gathers weekly to sing, pray, hear God’s word taught, and to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection through the taking of the Lord’s Supper.
We understand that stepping into a weekly church gathering for the first time can be a little nerve-racking, so we want to help remove some of that nervousness by letting you know what to expect.
Frequently Asked Questions
We dress casually as we worship together. You will feel right at home in jeans.
As a guest who is just checking us out, you will never be put on the spot or asked to give money. Those that call The Point home know that it is their biblical responsibility to support the work of the church through the faithful giving of their tithes and offerings. We normally do not pass anything to collect the offering. It is collected in baskets in the back during the response time as an act of worship for those that call The Point Community Church home.
Our gatherings last approximately 80 minutes.
Free, competent, and caring childcare is offered for children from birth to fifth grade in age-gradient classes that occur during the worship gathering. Babies, toddlers, and pre-kindergarten children can be checked in upon arrival, while the kindergarten to fifth grade classes will be dismissed sometime before the message. More than childcare, we take this opportunity to partner with you, the parent, in laying a foundation of Biblical truth.
The Gospel is not behavior modification, becoming a better person, or learning to become more moral. While these things may be good, they are not to be confused with the Gospel. The Gospel simply means “the good news.” The Apostle Paul sums up the good news by stating, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Christ the Savior has brought salvation to sinners in his life, death, and resurrection. Learn More
Our Location
The Point’s Frankfort Campus is located at the former Thornhill Baptist Church at 1142 Holmes St. Take Wilkinson Blvd. to the Owenton Rd./Holmes St. exit.

Schedule Your Visit
If you’d like to visit us in person, let us know you’re coming! Fill out the form below to help us prepare for your visit. We look forward to seeing you!