

We are committed to partnering with parents to ensure that each child grows in his or her walk with God and in understanding and application of the Gospel. Our dedicated team of volunteers undergoes background checks, participates in training, is part of The Point Community Church family, and is overseen by competent leaders to ensure your child’s safety. They are there to serve Jesus and you by teaching and caring for children in a safe, loving, fun, and engaging way. We offer classes for children (birth through 5th grade) that meet during the Sunday morning worship gathering. Older children (kindergarten through fifth grade) start out in the gathering and have the option of going to their classes when dismissed before the sermon.


It is our joy to come alongside families in the discipleship of their middle and high school students and to see them grow in their understanding of what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Our youth are served by a team of dedicated adults who love Jesus and love students. They meet weekly on Sunday nights from 5:30–7:00 for games, food, teaching, and small group discussion. Small groups, divided by both age range and gender, have small group leaders who consistently pour into those relationships.

Point Community Groups

Point Community Groups (PCGs) are the way we connect as family, care for one another, and find opportunities to serve. PCGs meet in peoples’ homes throughout the week to eat together, engage in a short discussion centered on God’s Word, and pray for one another.