
Campus: Frankfort

Andy Lawrence

God’s Uncompromising Judgment

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 2 Kings 22:1-20

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Andy Lawrence

God’s Faithful Love

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | Hosea 1:1-11

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Sean Post

The Israel of Amos: Be Careful What You Wish For

Sean Post | Storyline of the Bible | Amos 5:18-27

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Tony Cecil

God Gives The People Prophets

Tony Cecil | Storyline of the Bible | 1 Kings 18:17-46

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Andy Lawrence

The Kingdom Divides

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 2 Chronicles 10:1-19

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Andy Lawrence

The Temple Is Built

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 2 Chronicles 6:12–7:3

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Andy Lawrence

God Gives Solomon Wisdom

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 1 Kings 3:1–15

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Andy Lawrence

David Sins and Is Restored

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 2 Samuel 11:1–27

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Andy Lawrence

God Makes a Covenant with David

Andy Lawrence | Storyline of the Bible | 2 Samuel 7:1-17

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