Preparing Our Families for Holy Week

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The crux of the Christian’s faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In just a few weeks (4/8) we will gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate that life-changing event that occurred in the history of God’s sovereign plan to rescue and redeem a people for His praise.

The week preceeding Easter Sunday is traditionally refered to as Holy Week. It marks the end of Lent and reflects upon the final week of our Lord in His journey to the cross. It begins with Palm Sunday, leads up to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and finds it’s culmination on Resurrection Sunday. Each of these days within Holy Week depict a crucial event that occurred during Jesus’ final week of His earthly ministry.

As we consider Holy Week and Easter Sunday, I submit that these times of reflection and celebration are made most meaningful and immensly sweeter when we prepare our hearts and minds together as families. Practically, it can be as simple as reading through the Gospel accounts of these events each day with our families beginning with Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ending with the empty tomb and the ascension back with the Father.

For further reflection I would offer these 2 resources:

I pray your family will experience the fullness of Christ as you prepare for Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

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