Riding the Wave

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Thoughts of imminent death were continuously swirling in my head while I rode a big orange raft down the Ocoee River. I was whitewater rafting for the first time. If you have ever been, then you know the simultaneous emotions of exhilaration and fear. Our raft was in the front of the pack. The funny thing about the Ocoee is that there really isn’t a river there any longer. Some time ago a dam was built and nearly stopped the flow of the Ocoee. Now almost everyday a gate is opened in the dam and for a few moments a wave of rushing churning water flows over the dry riverbed and rafters “ride the wave”. That is the tricky part. Get ahead of the wave and you get stuck. Get behind the wave and you miss the thrill of the whitewater. Your timing has to be just right to ride the wave.

Right now we, the Family of The Point Community Church are riding a wave. It is a wave of God’s blessing. I don’t know if you have noticed, but God has been blessing us with so many guests right now. For the past few Sundays we have seen a record number of visitors with us. Praise God! I want us to ride this wave and partner with God as we see visitors experience a real Savior and move into the Family of God here at The Point. Right now we need you to make much of Jesus, connect with others, and serve the Body.

Make Much of Jesus

As we come together as Family, we gather to worship Jesus. This is all about Him! Worship is more than singing but singing is important. We sing about the things that capture our hearts and things that give us joy. Church, may we sing like never before! Sing to Him. Pray and ask Him to use you and to make Himself and His glory known among us as we worship Him in the gathering.

Connect With Others

Nothing is more inviting than a smile and the extension of a handshake. Sometimes our own insecurities paralyze us from being warm and hospitable. It is not our intention but it happens. As we know that our security rests in God’s approval and love for us it should free us to be gracious to those around us. This can be realized in our gatherings. Greet others around you. Take the initiative to invite. Invite new people to lunch with you and your family on Sundays. Utilize the Second Sunday Family Meal to meet and connect with new people. Invite people to your PCG.

Serve the Body

We can always use folks to serve in any area, but the fact is we have a bunch of kids. Praise God. Children are a blessing and a gift from God and we see them as such. A bunch of kids means we need a bunch of volunteers. Right now we need 6 more volunteers to step up and serve one time each month in the Children’s ministry. Giving and serving are evidences that we are “getting” the Gospel. When you understand how Christ gave and served you, your reaction will be to give and to serve (see 2 Corinthians 8:1-9).

Jesus we are thankful for your extension of grace. May we engage those around us and serve them well.

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