Does it matter if I’m a member or not? Isn’t showing up every week enough? Why do I have to sign anything? Sometimes people wonder why our membership process looks a little different than other churches—skeptical as to why there seem to be so many “hoops” to jump through.
Membership is a big deal to us and we take it seriously because the Bible takes it seriously. It is the assumption throughout the New Testament that all believers will be members of local churches. Membership is assumed for pastoral care (Acts 20:28), assumed for church discipline (Matthew 18:15–17), and assumed by the various metaphors that are used to describe the church (Body – 1 Corinthians 12:27; Temple – Ephesians 2:21; Household – 1 Timothy 3:15; Flock – Acts 20:28). Membership is vital to our spiritual health and growth and identifies us with Christ and His people. Membership is a weighty matter but it’s also wonderful. When you become a Covenant Member, you’re committing yourself to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support.
Covenant Membership is only for those who profess faith in Jesus Christ according to the gospel and whose lives demonstrate repentance and belief according to the Scriptures.
Baptism is an outward testimony of a person’s belief in Christ. If you have not been baptized following salvation, we ask you to take this step before becoming a Covenant Member.
Starting Point is the class for those interested in Covenant Membership or who would like to learn more about The Point’s beliefs, values, identity, and culture. Starting Point is conveniently available as a podcast. Listen Now
One of our elders will meet with you to get to know you and your story—how you came to faith in Christ and where God has brought you since then. We also want to give you an opportunity to voice any questions or concerns.
The Church Covenant outlines the blessings and responsibilities of each member and church leadership. It encourages consistency, accountability and loving unity within the church family. By signing the Covenant, you’re formally letting us know that you’re committed to this family and to the mission.
We would love to help you learn more about membership at The Point. If you have questions, please fill out the form below.